
EnerGQmobility offers innovative solutions to optimize performance and reduce fuel consumption for all transportation modes using machine learning techniques. TheRockGroup is a shareholder in enerGQmobility and a co-entrepreneur as well as helping with business logistics on a day to day basis.


Founded in 2014, enerGQmobility develops and markets low cost self-learning energy management systems to the full range of organizations from households to multinationals in all sectors of the market. Their aim is to contribute to “stop global warming” within 5 years by licensing the technology to partners. The self-learning energy management systems of enerGQmobility make use of AI-techniques and visualize excess energy so that it can be reduced easily. This way, they assess performance of and provide improvements for the areas of aviation, maritime, rail, and road transport.

Our Work

TheRockGroup is a shareholder in enerGQmobility and a co-entrepreneur. We act as a sounding board and help develop the business further, promoting and looking for new opportunities in the market. We also take on the role of interim manager in the company helping with business logistics on a day to day basis. TheRockGroup is very excited about the change that enerGQmobility offers in the logistics sector to help reduce fuel consumption and combat climate change.

The solutions of enerGQmobility can be used on the road, at sea or in the air. They provide insights to the driver, steersman or pilot on how to increase efficiency of the transport movements in comparison to identical situations from the past.